

The purpose of this website is to see how long I can go without browsing the internet. The rules are as followed, no TV, no websites outside of neocities, no smart phones, and no video games. This website will be on my progression out of internet addiction. Please check out my blog.


Hello and welcome to my website. I will be web free 1/22/21. Now you may be wondering, isn't it ironic to have a website while quitting the internet. Well yes it is. But I enjoy working on projects, and I feel like this can be a blog on my transition out of internet addiction. And as a place to post projects and stories that I'm working on. Projects that I work on can range quite drastically from one another. I have no preference. One big project I'm working on is a book I'm writing called "BroadStreet". But anyway, check around. I'm always updating the site. If you have any recommendations you'd like to share with me then check my email in the About Me page.